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Open Course on Workplace Document Writing

Open Course on Workplace Document Writing

Xutiange www.xy-global.com 2021-11-02 11:58:14
The school held an open course on workplace document writing, which was attended by 108 people from 14 branches. At the end of the course, 91 students participated in the learning effect evaluation, and the statistical average score was up to 96, reflecting the students' high recognition of the training.

This training invited Teacher Sun to teach. With more than ten years of research on workplace expression and solid writing skills, Teacher Sun encourages students to actively participate in the question and answer process by using real cases of enterprises, situational teaching and personal points ranking, so that students can master various skills and matters for attention in official document writing.

The course is designed on the principle of "clarifying logic, triggering thinking, standardizing format and improving efficiency". It first summarizes the thinking logic, basic requirements and elements of official document writing, and then explains in detail the format and key points of statutory official documents such as reports, requests for instructions, approvals, notices and minutes of meetings. At the same time, it also analyzes the work summary, speech draft, method system, E-mail and other business documents to help students correct mistakes and overcome difficulties.